Teaching Hour Topics and Recordings

Below is a list of topics being covered in Teaching Hour events throughout May and early June 2020. Judy Robertson will lead, with the help of learning technologists and invited guests. An email was sent to all teaching staff on 6 May with links to the rooms in Collaborate, where they will be held.

Events will be recorded and the links to the recordings will be uploaded here. Please note: you will need to be logged in to Media Hopper Create (using your University / EASE login) to access the recording.


Teaching Hour Topic Link to recording Additional links
“How do I teach large groups online?” (07-05-2020) Recording
“How do I assess online?” (14-05-2020) Recording
“How do I do tutorials online?” (21-05-2020) Recording
“How do I run labs online?” (28-05-2020) Recording PDF
“How do I encourage community / peer interaction online?” (04-06-2020) Recording
“How to teach Maths online” (11-06-2020) Recording PDF
“Designing out plagiarism” (26-06-2020) Recording PDF