Gradescope: guidance for students

This blog post is aimed at all students sitting an exam or submitting coursework using Gradescope Homework assignment.

Submitting your PDF to Gradescope

  • Navigate to the appropriate area in your Learn course (this will be the “Exam” content area for taking an exam, or the “Assessment” area if submitting coursework)
  • Open Gradescope by clicking “Submit via Gradescope”
    • Gradescope will open in a new tab
    • You will be taken directly to the corresponding course area in Gradescope
  • Open the submission area for the question
  • Select the file you wish to upload for your answer – this can be uploaded directly from your device. Upload your file – note that Gradescope does not provide a progress bar, and so it will look like nothing is happening while your file submits. Please be patient and do no click Back or Submit again while you wait.
  • You will be shown a preview of your submission. You can rearrange pages if required.
  • You will be required to tag which pages from your document correspond to the question part being answered. If your answer to a particular section spans multiple pages please tag each corresponding page. Please also make sure you have labelled each page with a note of which question you are answering. This tagging process takes place after the submission and can be done after the submission deadline without affecting your timestamp for submitting your response.
  • Check all pages have been tagged correctly, and confirm your submission by clicking Submit.

Video Demonstration of the PDF Upload & tag process

Assignment hand-ins for Learn: guidance for students

Please read through the following guidance well in advance of any submission deadline you have.

Check file type

The Learn assignment tool will accept any file types but check the instructions for your course to see which file types are required for your individual assignment.

Check file size

If you are submitting very large files, this will affect the time it takes to upload…

Internet Connection

… We therefore strongly advise that you submit your assignment using a reliable and fast internet connection.

Check Browser

Wherever possible, use a computer and browser you are familiar with, or a computer in the public access labs, when submitting an assignment. You can check your browser compatibility from the Browser information box on the My Institution page inside Learn.

Submission Deadlines

Do not submit the assignment minutes before the deadline, because then you will have very limited time to change computers or report a problem if there is one.


If you do have a problem submitting your assignment try these troubleshooting steps:

  • If it will not upload, try logging out of Learn / MyEd completely and closing your
    browser. If possible try using a different browser.
  • If you do not receive the expected confirmation of submission, try submitting again.
  • If you cannot resubmit, contact your tutor by email attaching your assignment, and if
    possible a screenshot of any error message which you may have. (see below).
  • If you have a technical problem, contact the IS helpline ( Note the course name, type of computer, browser and connection you are using, and where possible take a screenshot of any error message you have.

Always allow yourself time to contact helpline / your tutors if you have a problem submitting your assignment.

Further information can be found on the IS support pages here: