Edinburgh Infectious Diseases held a workshop to highlight research carried out in the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

The aim of the workshop held on 25th March 2020, was to highlight research being carried out in the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The presentations were delivered by some of the top scientists and clinicians working in this field in Edinburgh.

The Director of Edinburgh Infectious Diseases, Professor Ross Fitzgerald, said that the workshop provided “an excellent forum for discussion of early data emerging from a number of projects at the University of Edinburgh, which are in receipt of substantial funding to enhance our understanding of both the virus and the patient response to the virus.”

The workshop was attended by more than 250 people, who heard from local scientists and clinicians on a range of topics, including basics of coronavirus virology, epidemiological modelling of the outbreak, how we can use rapid sequencing to track the course of the epidemic, and the sociological effects of quarantine.

The workshop, which was hosted on Blackboard Collaborate virtually, stimulated a variety of useful discussions and ideas for future research. As research progresses, it is likely a similar workshop will be held later in the year.

Videos and summaries of each talk are available at:
